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Word of Caution and Disclaimer: 
This Suggested Answer with blanks is in no way claimed to be an absolutely correct and accurate answer to the November 2015 Writing Question 1. Readers are free to try out the exercise, adapt and share the same with others at their own initiative and risk. Feedback and comments suggesting improvements are most welcome.

November 2015 Writing
Question 1 – Suggested Answer

A. Title
1. Daily Free Time Activities and their Benefits as Rated by Two Types of Students _________ (in 2014/at 2014/on 2014)
2. How Secondary School and University Students Daily Spent Their Free Time _____(at/on/in/of) 2014
3. ___________(Rate/Rated/Rating) of Benefits Gained by Students by Engaging in Free Time Activities in 2014

B. Introduction

1. Figures 1 and 2 _________(shows/show) daily activities during free time by secondary school and university students in 2014 while Table 1 __________(list/listed/lists) students’ rating of benefits gained by engaging in those activities.
2. Figures 1 and 2 show daily free time activities of secondary school and university students in 2014.  _________  (Table/Table 1/Table One) lists students’ rating of benefits gained by engaging in those activities.
3. Figures 1 and 2 show _______(why/how/what)  secondary school and university students  spent /spend their free time in 2014 respectively while Table 1 lists the __________(rate/ratings/rated) they gave to the benefits gained by engaging in those activities.
4. The _____ _______(pie chart/pie charts/bar chart) illustrate  how secondary school and university students daily spent  their free time in 2014 ________________(respect…) while the ________(table/tables) lists the ratings they gave to the benefits gained by engaging in those activities.

C. Overview
1. As the two types of students spent their free time on mostly different activities, their rating of benefits gained by engaging in those activities were also generally __________________(different/the same).
2. _____________(Except/Beside) for surfing the internet, the two types of students had different free time activities and therefore their ratings of the benefits gained were also not the ___________.(different/same)
3. Except for surfing the internet, the free time activities of secondary and university students were different and therefore their ratings of the benefits gained by engaging in those activities also ______________.(different/same/differed)
4. There is a clearer logical link ______________ (with/between)the free time activities of secondary school students and their ratings of benefits gained compared to that of university students .
5. While secondary school students felt that spending most of their free time attending tuition helped them  most significantly to ___________ _____________ __________(benefit), university students who spent the same amount of time ___________ _______ ______________ (free time activity) rated being more updated as the most significant benefit gained.
6. While secondary school students rated obtaining better grades as the ___________(highest/most) significant benefit gained as a result of spending most of their free time on activities related to studies, university students who __________(did/also) spent most of their free time on studies related activities did _________(not/so) rate obtaining better grades as the most significant benefit.
7. There are no clear links between the rating of benefits gained and free time activities of university students as is the case for secondary students. Is this correct?

D. Key Features / Analysis / Synthesis

a. Analysis

1. Secondary school students spent most of their free time (_______minutes) attending tuition classes while university students spent __________ (most/all)of their free time (150 mins) surfing the internet.
2. Both secondary and university students spent the ________(different/same) amount (and most) of their free time (150 mins) attending tuition and surfing the internet respectively.
3. Doing homework (120 mins) and carrying out group discussion (120 mins) were the ______________(top/second/last) most favourite free time activities of secondary and university students respectively.
4. Secondary students spent the _________(least/lowest/smallest) amount of their free time (10 mins) helping parents…
5. …(while) University students’ least prioritized free time activity was taking a nap (20mins) / University students took a nap __________ (for/abou)20 mins making it their least prioritised free time activity/ university students spent the least amount _____(of/for/to) their free time taking a nap/napping (20mins).
6. University students spent the least amount of their free time on napping/taking a nap (20mins) while secondary students spent an ___________(equal/enormous) amount of time (20 mins) playing games.
7. University students spent ___________(more/most) /a significantly higher amount of their free time (2 & ½ more times) (______ mins) surfing the internet _____________ (compare/compared) to/than secondary students (60 mins).
8. The ______________ (second/most)least amount of their free time (30 mins) was spent by university students consulting lecturers. Doing assignments (40 mins) took up an ________ (hour/extra)10 mins.
9. Secondary students _____________(rate/rated/rating) obtaining better grades as the most significant (1) benefit gained from their free time activities…
10. …(while) university students gave it a moderately significant (benefit) rating of ____(1/2/3/4/5) / university students rated ______ _____ __________(benefit) as the most significant benefit (1).
11. ______________(Secondary/University) students gave obtaining better grades as the most significant benefit (rating level 1) while ______________(Secondary/University) students gave /listed being more updated as the most significant benefit gained (1) from their free time activities.
12. Secondary students gave the most significant benefit rating (1) to obtaining better grades while university students gave it a (_____) (3/4) or moderately significant rating.
13. Secondary students rated ________________ _____________(benefit) as the least significant benefit (5) gained from their free time activities. For university students the least significant benefit gained (5) was ______________________________________(benefit).
14. Both types of /secondary and university students gave/rated having better understanding as their _____________ (second/third) most significant benefit (2) gained.
15. Both types of students gave having better understanding the __________(best/same) benefit rating of 2 (as a result of their free time activities).

b. Synthesis

1. ________ (As/Although) secondary students spent most of their free time attending tuition (150 mins), they rated obtaining better grades as the most significant benefit(1) gained.
2. Attending tuition classes during most of their free time (150 mins) could have also contributed to secondary students _____________________________________ (benefit) as it got the second most significant benefit rating (2).
3. Attending tuition classes during most of their free time(150 mins) and doing homework being the _________________ (third/second) most favourite free time activity (120 mins) most probably led to secondary students  rating obtaining better grades as the most significant benefit(1) and having better understanding as the second most significant benefit gained.
4. Obtaining better grades was rated as the most significant benefit gained (1) by secondary students as ____________ (they/their/them) spent most of their free time (150 mins) attending tuition classes.
5. Obtaining better grades and having better understanding were rated by secondary students as the most significant benefit(1) and second most significant benefit (2) gained __________________(together/respectively) as they had spent most of their free time (150 mins) attending tuition classes and the next highest /second highest (most) amount of free time (120mins) doing homework.
6. Obtaining better grades and having better understanding ______(were/was) rated as the most significant(1) and second most significant benefits (2) gained respectively by secondary students as they had spent most of their free time and the second most amount of their free time attending tuition classes (150 mins) and doing homework(120 mins) respectively.
7. Obtaining better grades and having better understanding were rated as the most significant (1) and second most significant benefits (2) gained _________________ (respectively/respectfully) by secondary students as they had spent most of their free time attending tuition classes (150 mins)and the next ______________(highest/plenty) amount of time doing homework(120 mins) respectively.
8. Secondary students most significant benefit rating (1) was for obtaining better grades as _________(many/most) of their free time (150 mins) was spent attending tuition classes. Besides, _________ ____________,(activity) the second most favourite free time activity (120 mins) for 1/3 of their free time could have also contributed to rating obtaining better grades as the most significant benefit(1). Both the above activities that took up 270 mins or 75% or 3/4ths of their free time must have also contributed to their _________________________________(benefit) as it got the second most significant benefit rating of (2).
9. As secondary students spent lesser (just 1/6) of their free time (____ mins) on surfing the internet, they rated being updated as not so significant a benefit gained (3).
10. University students spent most of their free time (150 mins) surfing the internet, and therefore, rated being more updated ______ (as/for/to) their most significant benefit gained (1) from free time activities.
11. _______________ (To be/Be/Being) more updated was rated as the most significant benefit gained (1) by university students as they spent most of their free time (150 mins) surfing the internet.
12. Secondary students who spent most of their free time (150 mins) on tuition rated obtaining better grades as the most significant benefit (1) gained while university students who spent the same _________, (120/150 mins) which was most of their free time on surfing the internet rated being more updated as the most significant benefit (1) they gained.
13. Secondary students _________ (will/who/was) spent most of their free time (150 mins) attending tuition rated obtaining better grades as the most significant benefit (1) gained while university students who spent most of their free time which was the same 150 mins on surfing the internet, rated being more updated as the most significant benefit (1) they gained.
14. Although carrying out group discussion was university students’ second most favourite free time activity(________ mins) as it also took up 1/3 of their free time, yet obtaining better grades was rated as a moderately significant benefit (_____)(1/2/3) gained. However, the 120 min group discussion may have caused them ______ (just/to/have) rate having better understanding as the second most significant benefit (2).
15. __________ (Since/As/Because/Although) carrying out group discussion took up the second highest amount of university students’ free time (120 mins), yet obtaining better grades was just rated as a moderately significant benefit(3) gained. However, the 120 min group discussion may have caused them to rate having better understanding as the second most significant benefit (2) gained.
16. ______(Since/As/Because/Although) carrying out group discussion took up the second highest amount of university students’ free time(120 mins), they rated having better understanding as the second most significant benefit(2) gained. However, the 120 min group discussion may not have translated into better grades as it was just rated as a moderately significant benefit(3) gained.
17. Carrying out group discussion (120 mins) and ________________(activity) (30 mins) may together explain university students‘ rating of having better understanding as the second most significant benefit(2) gained. ________________,(Although/Since/As/However) obtaining better grades was rated as a moderately significant benefit (3) gained.
18. Carrying out group discussion (120 mins), consulting lecturer(30 mins) and __________ ____________(activity) (40 mins) which together took up more than ________(half/three quarter) of the university students’ free time (190) must have contributed to their rating having better understanding as the second most significant benefit (2) but a not so significant or moderate(ly significant) benefit of 3 for obtaining better grades..
19. Secondary students spent the least amount of their free time (10 mins) helping parents and therefore rated fulfilling responsibility as the least significant benefit gained (___).
20. As secondary students spent a negligible ______ mins (of their free time) helping parents, they rated fulfilling responsibility as the least significant benefit gained (5).
21. Playing games daily for just/only ______ minutes (second least amount of time) could be the reason for secondary students rating having a healthy body at level 4, one level ________(higher/lower) than 5, the least significant benefit rating level.
22. While university students rated being updated as the most significant benefit gained(1) as they spent most of their free time (150 mins) surfing the internet, secondary students who spent much __________(of/their/more/less) time (60 minutes) surfing the internet gave being more updated a moderately/less significant beneficial/benefit rating of (3).
23. University students took a nap for 20 mins ____________ (make/making/made/makes) it their least favourite/prioritized free time activity. As a result/Therefore, ___________ (they/them) rated having a healthy body as the least significant benefit (5) gained.
24. As university students spent the least amount of their free time (_____ mins) taking a nap, they rated having a healthy body as the least significant benefit (5) gained.
25. Secondary students who spent a negligible 20 mins playing games, rated having a healthy body at _________ (rate/level)4.
26. University students spent the least amount of their free time on napping/taking a nap (20 mins) while secondary students spent an equal amount of time (20 mins) ________________ ___________(activity). Thus, the former rated having a healthy body as the least significant benefit gained (5) while the ________(latter/later) gave it a slightly better benefit rating of 4.
27. The second least amount of time (_____ mins) was spent by university students consulting lecturers and an extra 10 mins was used for doing assignments (40 mins). Spending such relatively low/less amount of their free time on matters related to examinations may be the reason for a less significant benefit rating of ____ on/for obtaining better grades.
28. For university students spending the second highest amount of free time (120 minutes) on group discussion seemed to have contributed to a ___________(high/higher/highest) benefit rating for having better understanding (2) compared to obtaining better grades (3)
29. For university students spending the second highest amount of free time (120 minutes) on group discussion seemed to have contributed more to having better understanding (2) ________(than/to)  obtaining better grades (3)
30. _________________ (Spend/Spending/Spent) the second highest amount of free time (120 minutes) by university students on group discussion seemed to have contributed to a higher/more significant benefit rating on/for having better understanding (2) compared to/ than obtaining better grades (3).
31. Carrying out group discussion ______(for/of/to) 120 mins may have significantly contributed to university students having better understanding as it was given a benefit rating of (level) 2./level 2 benefit rating.

E. Conclusion
1. As the two groups of students spent their free time on ______________(various/different/same) activities, their ratings of benefits gained (by engaging in those activities) were also different.

Now select your preferred sentences and rewrite the whole report in 150 to 200 words, paying close attention to details and the importance of synthesis above analysis.
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