Tajuk Penting / Fokus / Tips / Ramalan Karangan Bahasa Inggeris UPSR 2016
Set 1: playing ball- kick the ball towards a car- man standing infront of the car- pointing at the lamp- scared - apologised
Set 2 : (Fishing Trip to an island)
2 person- loaded- tools- fishing rods- youngsters- island- campfire-tent- fishing- swinming- carried- injured person-leg
Set 3: A family- car- Cameron Highlands- checked in- reception-key-visit-strawberry- flower-farm
Section C yg 25marks...Set 1: playing ball- kick the ball towards a car- man standing infront of the car- pointing at the lamp- scared - apologised
Set 2 : (Fishing Trip to an island)
2 person- loaded- tools- fishing rods- youngsters- island- campfire-tent- fishing- swinming- carried- injured person-leg
Set 3: A family- car- Cameron Highlands- checked in- reception-key-visit-strawberry- flower-farm